
donderdag 19 november 2015


Sinterklaasinchies / swap at the dutch inchiesgroup on Facebook
I made these. 

woensdag 28 oktober 2015

envelopes for inchies

Thanks Gill for the example!

These are my little envelopes for the christmas inchies.

maandag 19 oktober 2015

halloween inchies

These inchies I got from different members from the dutch inchiesgroup.

Halloween twinchies

Made for the dutch inchiesgroup

dinsdag 4 augustus 2015

Om te determineren


zondag 22 maart 2015

Pink and black

                                            These inchies were made by Sofie from Sweden.
                                                          This was a swap at Swap-bot.

Purple and white

                                                   These were made by Lisa from the USA.
                                                                  A swap from Swapbot.

dinsdag 24 februari 2015

Felt inchies

Ooh lala, I love these felt inchies, they are from a Swapbot-swap
I have hosted. These are from Kay, from Canada.

Happy mail

I love this twinchie, got it in the mail today from Gill, England.
Made of friendly plastic :-).

donderdag 12 februari 2015

Valentine, februari 2015

These where the Valentine inchies I received from the Dutch inchiesgroup, which is an
international group.

zondag 8 februari 2015

How to make sturdy and well measured felt inchies

First cut out the inchies with a punch or cut it with a sharp knife, 
but then be sure the size is right! All the sizes must have the same length!
Glue the inchies on the felt.
                                                                   This is how it looks
Now cut them out with a good pair of siccors

Now sew the beads and sequins on the inchie

it will look like this on the front

                                                     and it looks like this on the back side
Take another punched out inchie and glue it on the
back of the felt inchie

Done! Your felt inchie is sturdy and it is a beautiful square.
Enjoy making them!

zondag 24 augustus 2014

Favorite colours

Where I was... haven't been  blogging for a long time, special since the dutch inchiesgroup moved
to Facebook. We post our inchies there, the group is for small art lovers; inchies, twinchies, moo's, rinchies.
So much fun!
These inchies I got from the favorite colours swap from the dutch inchiesgroup, from 
different members.
Join us on Facebook, we speak english as well.

vrijdag 21 februari 2014

donderdag 19 december 2013

Moving message inchiesgroup!

The dutch inchiesgroup has moved to Facebook! So come and join us there...we have very nice swaps for inchies, twinchies, rinchies, moo's...  www.facebook.com/groups/dutchinchiesgroup. We speak dutch and english and all the swaps are in english too. You're welcome!

These are my twinchies for the "button swap" at the dutch inchiesgroup.

vrijdag 22 november 2013

Inchies from England...

Thank you Sandra for these beautiful inchies!

maandag 4 november 2013

Trading inchies

If you want to trade inchies, just for fun and free themed, just mail me
or leave a message here.


vrijdag 1 november 2013

After Halloween party

Halloween is over, but I want to show these to you. I traded these inchies with inchie-lovers from all over the world. They from Australia, Great Brittain, USA and the Netherlands. Thank you all for


zondag 20 oktober 2013

Boo! (twinchie challenge)

I love Halloween, so the first twinchie is made! For more about this challenge: http://twinchie-twinchiehotmaillive.blogspot.nl/

zondag 15 september 2013


I traded inchies with Gill and these inchies are for me... I'm very happy! Thanks Gill, looking forward for the next swap.

woensdag 29 mei 2013

There's a new king in our country....

Recently we had a new king here in the Netherlands. That was a great inspiration for the dutch inchiesgroup! The colour orange is the basic colour that is connected with our royals. Red, white and blue are the colours of our flag. See and enjoy the inchies and twinchies from the swaps!

vrijdag 22 maart 2013

And there is more!

                                      Lucky me, there is more to come...

                                           These are the inchies from the felt swap.
                                       They are made by Riek, Margreet, Gerda and Hanna.

My inchies for easter are lost....
Sometimes mail disappeares... I hate that.
But I got some easter inchies from Margreet, José and Riek,
so I have a happy easter too!
Thanks ladies!

This was a big surprise from Rein (Germany)
There was an enveloppe... I thought: from Germany?
                                       I peeked inside and I found these inchies for my canvas.
                                                             Thank you very much Rein!

woensdag 20 maart 2013

Only black and blue

These are the inchies made for the 'only black and blue' swap from the Dutch inchies group.
Gerda is the host for the colourswaps. She has great idea's!
The inchies are made by Gerda, Ankie, Grada, Margreet, Hanna and Riek.

woensdag 6 februari 2013

A little help from you??

I would like to have this canvasboard full with inchies which
I traded with inchie-lovers from all over the world. When it's all
full with inchies, it becomes a place of honor in our livingroom!
So if you love inchies and you would like to trade with me,
please send me an e-mail or leave a message..
 It doesn't matter how many inchies you would like to trade,
buth they have to be made by yourself!
Here you can see some parts of the board.
Some inchies are from swaps from the dutch inchies group.
The inchies are very divers,
so each technique is welcome !!

donderdag 31 januari 2013

Easel moo's

These are the easel moo's from a swap from the dutch inchiesgroup.
They are made by Anky, Beppie, Ankie, José and Dominique.
Thanks ladies!

zaterdag 15 december 2012

Let it snow...

'Let it snow'is the challenge at http://twinchie-twinchiehotmaillive.blogspot.nl/.
I embossed the Christmas tree at this twinchie. The red Christmas balls are made with
Pearl Maker. And then I let it snow!

zaterdag 8 december 2012

Genius: Galileo Galilei

The theme at http://moo-mania.blogspot.nl/ for this week is 'Genius'. For my  moo I choose Galileo Galilei. Mister Galilei was a Mathematician, philosopher, physicist. He also was an astronomer and that's why my choice; I like watching stars and planets, often you can see the planet Jupiter and Venus with the naked eye. So a little tribute to Galileo Galilei!

vrijdag 7 december 2012

Mushroom in the snow

Yes! Our son is happy, we have snow! There was still a mushroom in bloom... a few days ago his hat was red, but now it's covered with snow. Ain't it beautiful?

zondag 2 december 2012

Who stole Santa's hats?

Who stole Santa's hats? 1.Was it the red head girl or...
2. Was it the ugly boy or...
3. Was it President Obama?
Well...Who looks most guilty?
These are twinchies: 5 x 5 cm or 2"x 2"inch. This is my contribution to http://twinchie-twinchiehotmaillive.blogspot.co.uk/. Theme: Traditional Christmas colours. Well, I love the Christmas red colours and the white of snow. I use those two colours in my house too at Christmas and of course, with a little bit green.
I also like Christmas hats, so put it all together and these are the results!
By the way, if you know who stole the hats, then please leave a message!

woensdag 21 november 2012

Moo Mania: Silhouette

This time the theme at Moo Mania is silhouette. I think a silhouette and a shadow are close together, I made a moo with a shadow. The purple man is made in 3D, so you can see his shadow better. The stamp is from Art Journey, I used half the stamp.

zondag 18 november 2012

Inchie, twinchie, moo

At  http://twinchie-twinchiehotmaillive.blogspot.co.uk/   I found a great blog for twinchies and the challenge is: two colours. I thought: let's give it a try! For the dutch inchies group, we have a swap with two colours. Those colours must be black and red. So I made a trio in black and red colours: an inchie, twinchie and a moo. The flower is made with embossingpowder. What do you think of my three little ones? This is an inchie: 1 x 1 inch or 2,5 x 2,5 cm
This is a twinchie: 2 x 2 inches, or 5 x 5 cm.
And last but not least, a moo: 1,1 x 2,8 inches or 3,8 x 6,4 cm.
Hope you like them!